The task was to move 30 bags of 25kg ballast. These were stacked on a pallette in the car park area these were covered to keep them protected from getting wet or damaged. We moved them from the car park area to the work shop and stacked them properly ( jenga style ). We carried out a risk assesment to point out the hazards these hazards were to reduce back injury by bending your knees and keeping your back straight. And if the bag splits the sharp sand could go in your eyes this is why you were saftey goggles to prevent this.
The PPE was:
Gloves - To protect your hands.
Goggles - In case bags split and the ballast went into your eyes.
Steel toe capped boots - To protect your toe's incase bag drops onto your feet.
Jack, you carried out two risk assessments one on your partner and one on the task it self.